The track full of boxes depends on what is carried. Double-wall, single wall, wooden, and small or big. We've been waiting 3 months since they were loaded from Amsterdam to the USA. It's a strange feeling all living memories fit in boxes. Likely I feel I'm a turtle who carried her house on her back. These cardboard boxes can be compostable which is made me relief.

13th time I'm opening boxes and washing all kitchen stuff for disinfection. Glasses loaded the kitchen counter at the scene. They are in the still image waiting to be fit into kitchen cupboards. It's almost nighttime, but I'm still on foot. It's glass-built chaos.

Moving home means moving with all alivenesses.

American lifestyle, which I'm not getting used to using these washing machines unlikely are water and energy hunger all. They are huge and not the comfortable feeling that I had used them in Switzerland.

I took this picture during house settlement. Kitchen side, there is a porch which is very convenient for hanging cleaning towels. It's one of the daylong working nights again.

It's been 3 days since we hung the Turkish flag on the porch. National Sovereignty and Children's Day (Turkish: Ulusal Egemenlik ve Çocuk Bayramı) is a public holiday in Turkey commemorating the foundation of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, on 23 April 1920. We believed it was the best day in my country's history because The founder of the Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, made a present on April 23 to all the world’s children to emphasize that they are the successor of the future.

26th April, I'm still working inside to open the boxes, cleaning, setting utensils, cloths, types of furniture, touching fabric, detergents, metals, papers, insects, glass... etc. at the outside, spring unfolds, and I couldn't watch it. I'm thinking about how much humans disrupt biodiversity because land use is changing, and I'm a part of this prediction.

The track full of boxes depends on what is carried. Double-wall, single wall, wooden, and small or big. We've been waiting 3 months since they were loaded from Amsterdam to the USA. It's a strange feeling all living memories fit in boxes. Likely I feel I'm a turtle who carried her house on her back.

I have fictionalized the fantasy that they want to return to the nature of the wrapping papers that make up the stack.

I have fictionalized the fantasy that they want to return to the nature of the wrapping papers that make up the stack.

I have been thinking a lot about what to do my initial metaphor on, and I really wanted it to be something that is a part of me and something that I can really relate to. It's been an endless job, and remembering is the most challenging task for my tired brain. Ultimately, being diligent, patient, and willing to work hard will promise a new life like a spud.

Here is my new habitat, where is in the scene my preferred surroundings. 2421 New Bern Avenue is addressed in Raleigh. I told you a monochromatic story about my settlement. And also shared videos and photos I have been taking during the day with deers, northern cardinal birds, squirrels, rabbits, frogs, badgers, rats, and so on, which I haven't met yet. The experience of living in different climates for 12 years still made me mesmerized.

This is the capture telling you I have had night walkings often. The dewy midnights call me. Every night dew drops fall in the nature surrounding me and disappear the midnight before the sun is up. Feeling this evaporation while stepping on the grass makes me calm. During this seductive time, I feel the loading of motherhood nature in my body, triggering receptors under my skin. It's a bizarre mix of water and temperature, letting my mind get clear. It's a magical moment how the dew is absent in the presence of dry air; our pathos ideas that have been stuck cyber magnetic modern daytime came out at night.
The track full of boxes depends on what is carried.
Double-wall, single wall, wooden, and small or big.
We've been waiting 3 months since they were loaded from Amsterdam to the USA.
It's a strange feeling all living memories fit in boxes.
Likely I feel I'm a turtle who carried her house on her back.
Twenty-six thousand seven hundred eighty-four miles have been flown in 17 years,
which explains how far the house moved with the memories and has become the home.
05 May 2022, Raleigh