Language in photography, for me, self-evidently functions like reality. The reality, however, is a sentimental throwback, a broken, poetic language, a humiliated repetition. Descartes explains that "experimenting pinhole capture is an indirect realist view of the human cognition." Light passes through a small hole and records the direct cognitive contact with the environment.
Nature and human interaction have always been the subject of my projects. After moving to the US, I started exploring wide-angle pinhole cameras for working on a collage project called "CROSS." Human-nature connections and entropy via green infrastructure are the main subjects of this project.
"Where do I get a taste for entropy?” Repeatedly this question reached me as I was staying in New York as an alien. Missing hometown Izmir from ocean and seas wise, the Mediterranean sea breeze and olive leaves smell are in my mind. I have been feeling alone since I started to live abroad. A smelling mixture of something, a little nerve, some tired skin, and lots of fear are all a meditation for my unending restlessness in NY. I'm proposing that rather than producing a feeling of nihilism or futility. Feeling an entropic atmosphere cultivates a sense of creative becoming. To begin, I do a collage investigation composed of personal records of nature and a series of photographs that, alongside the memory call, seek to capture something of the entropic atmosphere I encountered. In the "cross" project, I'm collaborating on medium-format negatives of the nature of some forests, olive gardens, and metropolises captured with a wide-angle pinhole camera, likely my stays as an alien in NY and my hometown, Izmir. In particular, NY cityscapes enthrall me because the captures release a cold and euphemistic charm. The specific atmosphere I investigated is entropy in the Flatiron building, the Manhattan Bridge, or the Clock Tower in Izmir. The mythic function of these signs is to foster a sense of creative becoming rather than to produce a sense of nihilism or futility in an entropic atmosphere.
It's not really possible to write an accurate artist statement before it is completely created. So on, the collage analog project will be extended after the first collage array an entropy of Flatiron building and Loblolly Pine forest from Raleigh.